Upon knowing I would have 3 days off, I packed my bag, white lied past my parents, and took the bus up north to an island. I spent my days trying my best to be silent because that was what I wanted for this trip. Only when one's lips are sealed will thoughts be allowed to run freely, at least for me that is. Unfortunately yet blessed me, I became friends with a tourist, an Iranian whom I have met on the bus ride to the island. I had the first day for myself because we went our separate ways but the following two days we spent together by the beach. I enjoyed the moments of my solitude but his company was joyful too because I would not have experience the beautiful setting of the sun if so happen we did not decide to climb the rocks. Overall, the journey was a very meaningful one to me for I had discovered many things about myself, and also generally about life. Ralph was absolutely right, just once would get you hook on to go for again and again. Rarely will you find people who would like travelling solo but I guess it is how and why one does it.