Wednesday, April 6, 2011


That's a nice word. But what comes after is a one that has a meaning so deep that signifies a truth in all of the nature of it's rulers. Beneath the hard fluff of an exterior, it was a shame to have revealed my sensitive side just a bit too early. No help would have come across successfully. So with this, beauty shall be to where she is placed. When will that dawn of doubt dilute to the atmosphere leaving traces of it's first off existence, and shall bring upon another cause. For a butterfly flutters it's majestic colors across the garden, so shall the leaves whisper when cast upon it's shadow. They whisper with enthusiasm and hope (one lost word had it not been heard for some time), and courage. Leaves they are, but could they bloom to wondrous feed of flowers should they decide to. The sun comes to a rise beyond that door, where the first-comers decided to be at. Who can pretend anymore of the what ifs, and what shan't. Oh, the cold tickles the desired, the scarf warmth on the assumed. Fingers of the eyes caresses the earth's great art, running through the smooth of the dead. Pearls, black ones, shone and shall shine the sun's reflection. A shape so joyous, and a full entertainment of the spectacularly high up. The courage to dream begins in the yearns of passion. A flicker of blue, beneath the flame. One mustn't assume the dangers of beauty. They fool upon the hardest of hearts, turning soft which could be a possible mold of some sorts. Nevertheless, breaths be drawn at shallow veins of fire; undoubtedly.