Let me be absolutely casual this time. I had to. The pain kept coming in constantly that ending what pretended it's existence was crucial on my half. An excellent friend simply does not mean an excellent partner. It's attitude and it's simply not within you. There isn't any point if I kept giving all I have in exchange for all that shit you put on my face. It is simply unacceptable. I'm glad that I had ended it. You're selfish, you're full of yourself, which is why you kept taking and you have ego that doesn't belong to a fistful size of self, you. I never was dramatic, I never was overemotional, as to how you are spreading for the world to hear these false rumors of me. You're the one lashing out upon social networking site of every little thing that is happening in your life. You're pathetic in my eyes. Don't pretend to hurt me further by your actions because greatly, love has overcome all hurt in me. Biggest thing I may have done for you throughout our entire relationship is to forgive you that final end.