Reality of predisposition thoughts. Silently judging beings without cause. An effect of worthlessness, and one without meaning. A question comes to mind; the reality of life as a whole. An understanding that none shall remain constant, all shall change, all shall end. With that, the reality it creates is one with no attachment. A foot on the ground in a clear case, with the evidence of existence already made obvious, will be raised. Hence it shall come to show that to all that has been proven right, it is not. Deeming right, and wrong, may seem perfectly natural in the core. Right only exist in wrong, and so is wrong to right. The 'yin' and the 'yang'. Creators have made it such that borders are swirled, and not lined, don't this speak for itself that the only consistency it portrays is equality in the attracted opposition. Should borders not exist, unity is of whole. Unity is the end of what we know. There will be a new start, a last start that has a repeated past.
The simplicity of the whole idea, tarnished by evolution. Is it much to ask for, for life to be as seen on the double Cs fairy? I bring on hold a thought of desire.