Friday, November 12, 2010

Go Sees.

I feel very much like Samantha from Sex and the City. Don't bother asking why, for I'm not telling. Ground fact is, the world has become so much in love with appearance that inner beauty is somewhat folklore. Trying to withhold myself here from spilling too much, but that is the truth. If you don't look it, you ain't got it. Nobody cares much on what goes on in the heart and head. As long as there is beauty, everything else can be looked over. Those who go after depth are them who know this fact, and will not settle for anything less. Desperation kicks the womb when people are jolted by the fact of being a-to-the-lone for the rest of their lives. Such people are them who settle for anything, lucky for those who get non-less. It's a shame really. A post of compliment to her worth the take back as she could talk her walk, but that talk being an utter of a syllable. What can I expect when deep down I knew the coming. Indeed 'me' am right, not I. For I chose my thoughts over intuitions. Finality of this chapter takes place soon, knowing that fake farts will always be as such. Themselves not knowing, myself not telling.