Monday, February 7, 2011

Drum Troopers

They smack rhythmic beats worthy of moving asses. However, nothing appears as it could be in front of eyes showing beauty, expressing reality. Twice fell, thrice lifted. It's a coaster, rolling carts through swoops and swirls, dips and ducks. Knowing it all, thinking it true, yet truth be thought, nothing is known. Do not imagine and picture pictures of colorful intimacy when imagination ceases to exist in realities of utter darkness. Black cunning clouds of doom fucks the inner cores of left-over humanity. A stage, staging a stage. Prove desires of wanting being only. A dangerous word it can be; only. Jesus said we should put more priority to the things that comes out rather than the things which goes in the mouth. For whatever goes in, comes out - what comes out, stays out till it returns back in. Butterfly effect rings a bell? Do not swing the tongue like a loose dagger for injuries would then be inevitable. Think it through, feel it thoroughly, before words be let slipped and a heart gets broken. Aside to the long-pressed lefty written rant, see through double finely cut delicacies. A take two in a one take shot. Pause on hold for a chin down thought. When the loner plays her part, she would feel the tortures of forceful reminiscence. It's sad but nature is beyond our control, and so is death. Play what's paused, two for one for sharing be caring. Skip that, moments to be cherished.