Friday, February 18, 2011

Green & Tall.

Unfortunately, I am not the type of person who likes taking down numbers for the fun of it like others do unless I truly wish to get to know that person well. Even if I do truly wish to get to know a specific person well, there's always that debate in my mind on whether I am brave enough to ask for a way of contact.

Unfortunately, nobody settles for the average. That's what I realized after going to different clubs for many wasted nights. It isn't just at clubs, it applies everywhere. A person has to be either on the extreme end of being close to the center of attention or all the way to the exit of a room to be deemed likeable. Perhaps the word is not likeable, but helps seeds curiosity for others to grow in wonder (a.k.a. being mysterious).

Unfortunately, yin - yang is true. With such a great white of the yin being the goodness of love, there's always the dark side of yang clinging close by hovering with all it's vices. For each good thing that can be said about love, there will be the reverse to it as well. With much care and protection, comes jealousy and doubt. With much sacrificial actions, comes more expectation and disappointment. Need I go on?

Unfortunately, there are many evil people in this world. Funny I mentioned many, whereas it should really be 'all'. I just need the minimum of ten bullets to make the world (at least my world), a slightly better place. Bang to bitches and bastards who know not the definition of secrets. Bang to fuck-holes who force their gravity on others. I'll bang each one of you motherfuckers down to the point of hell for you don't deserve life. Who am I to judge but you should have had seconds thoughts to the consequence of your actions.