Sunday, December 5, 2010

Then I Thought.

"To : Them Who Do Not Appreciate Good Fortune
May you suffer.
From : The One Less Fortunate"

Well, I was thinking, and I thought... But. Sigh. Where do I begin? -Five seconds- Okay. I'm very much confused right now. Firstly, it is now six fifty two in the morning and I was awoken by a nightmare so real I thought it actually did happen because it felt like it did, when it then did. The last few moments I spent in fuckland dreamland had me running cowardly, with the loss of being upright sense, towards my parents' bedroom before hopping onto their bed and cuddling into my mother's arm. After my wake, I picked my favorite only pillow, and my phone (why phone? I don't quite know)  and walked towards my parents' and slept on the floor by their bed. Fuck to what nightmares can do to the soul. I laid myself down staring anywhere but at the door, afraid of what might be following me. After about give-and-take an estimated twenty minutes did I then question myself several answers; why now? why more? why me? Questions in the form of answers, if you get what I mean. It hit me that this is reality, and reality is a place where only real things exist. Things with substance, things with matter. Thank you shallow scientists. So right now, I sit trying to be cosily comforted on a steel chair. My thoughts are still hovering above like clouds, and the danger of my nightmare is beyond the distance like stormy clouds. The terror of the every now and then lightning, followed by the after few seconds grumble of gods, and the color; darken of death. Involuntarily, my tears volunteer to race down my cheeks. This is of difficult times I keep telling myself. Just to end with the start of truth; then I thought.