The responsibility I feel for the death of an individual is overwhelming enough as it is. When fingers of accusations curse the man who walks with his head hung low in fear of shame and guilt. They haunt him. If he fears the same for another, then they shall never forgive him anymore. My fingers are crossed, my tongue races across the words I know not hoping an unspoken prayer would be said miraculously... Dreams dreamed, wishes wasted and hopes fail. 'Nobody left in this world to hold me tight.' It's a sad life this life is. Everyone has it in them. Many would just love to lay down and await somebody to lay with them, lay with them by the train tracks either to save them or be with them through the hell which is bound to arrive. He feared happiness and through her curiosity, he explained that with happiness, there's always the risk of sadness. It's a guarantee that the risk would turn into a positive expenditure of one's joy. Think it through, please think it thoroughly before you act. The world is harsh but love has it's way into your heart. You told me once that it's better living with the love and excitement albeit the pain, so live with it. Don't back yourself on your own words. I will miss you as I already am, and I'm not the only one honestly. Share me your life, I will share you my joy. Think it through.