Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Toying With Eyes Wide Open.

Pretty little bitch strutting with utmost confidence that the world is on the side which has been agreed upon to be favored. It isn't fair but what does fairness and justice or even the mention of equality has got to do with any of this. It's downright discrimination of taste, gender and coloration. The Eiffel tower may have it's pride so does the Pisa, with it's lean. Rome had been beautiful despite the random cursed money sucking bastards whom I release curses aplenty. The buildings, street, people and even the weather has a strange Italian-likeness towards the whole effect of the scene. One can perhaps see love in the air by the Trevi fountain. Gorgeous it was. There is a but, and the but isn't of the greatest. How silly can the mind be toyed around with forces of the unseen, like a web preys it's victims for the spider. It's temptation. It's lust. It's pride, it's everything of the seven, even  sloth. O when can I go to finally rid the pain of enlightenment? It's when you know that knowing takes the joy from you. That's why fools come with the saying ignorance of highest bliss. My stars remain untapped. The crab shakes and flakes, side-stepping away life, or the waters of emotions, all in attempt to be happy. Happiness comes to them unworthy, positivity as plastics. Feel the condemnation of life and lift noses in proud feelings that's when happiness warmly greets. Screw the yard behind and fuck the world in front that's when happiness embraces self. Nothing more have I to say but to hell with everything that causes misery. I am myself being me and how much I wish to fucking change that, it remains, once more; untapped. So shall I have to live with me, getting used to the idea of him in the mirror and the her of his heart. Side-stepped, looking side, being a pessimistic skeptic. Yet, being me, knowing her, knowing him, tears shall fall at the end of each day. Tears hold the world of sorrow in each drop; happiness mirroring sorrow's effort of hurt. I let my sorrowful world fall every night. My sorrowful happy-sometimes world to fall in the abyss of nothingness to let peace take control. Rabbit hole, and a missing father. My wide eyes, open with acceptance of being toyed by the world's end.