Monday, June 27, 2011

A Yellow Factual Boat.

So this boat we speak of is the one we're sitting on not knowing where it goes or when we can get off. We're just stuck, not just me, not just you but more people than we can imagine. It's a difficult world out there, but nothing can be more difficult when compared to what goes on in the heart. Because the pain of the physical can be easily healed with any of the medications and treatments which exists in this sorrowful world, but for the pain inflicted upon the heart, I feel a pain as such can be considered to be a very hurtful (sort-of) pain. It doesn't go away even if you tried, it goes away only with fulfillment. But thinking back, and saying the same sort, the same stories, the same life, the same fucking pattern never does leave the life of any individual. It's a curse, it's a pathetic liking for somebody who doesn't feel the same; it's the wanting of something that can never be gotten, it's a heartful desire filled with expectations and a partful/half-filled sacrificial routine where one gives more than the other... It can and it won't stop. I can but I'd stop. There's no meaning to any of it. It's fake. It's an illusion blinding them who are caught unaware. We never did want to get on this boat. We just walked right straight on it without a single realization.