Dear me. A heck I've been through. I'm on the verge of feeling almost everything. I'm overwhelmed! Everything does happen for a reason. But reasons be reasons lest them be explanations to unruly settlement. I can never allow the what ifs and don'ts of doings and wrongs of the immoral. It is simply unacceptable for me to pretend everything is to be agreed but my heart screams the insensitivity of the idea. I cannot blame the crabs for their soft inner parts neither can they be judged being hard out. It's just the way they are and so is the way I am. A choice is given and two can always be half of each. A choice is made to determine the path one should take. A choice can be given to be made, or can be taken in consideration of it's outcome. A choice is unfair. Be it me or be it you, my choice you, your choice me. Happiness then floods the occasion like doves stringing peace with their flight trails. But my, who would have thought another piece of information could be delivered as swiftly as the first was delivered and the latter brought forth. Amazing how the idea of exploration tickles my insides. Nay, tickles me with fury and despair. Just when birds fly, the wolves claw their way through. I am speechless but in an awe mode to see what comes next. Think acronym and figure my heart longs for.