Lower down expectations and down the disappointments would be lowered too says a wonderful glow of light in a successful attempt of home-made recipe (not recorded). One gives more, says the one giving the most because only the more-over-giver would know who gives in excess. Hence the receiver tends to take in granted on the accord of his receives. At least an attempt was made but now, numbers before, couldn't match up to what was asked to lower down by and through the enlightenment. Twists and turns has to be made to a different named letter to avoid all the possible unwelcome emotions. Speak forth, and do forth in choice of words and actions. Make them parallel and not one mounting the other in a retarded confusion of what you said to be, an understatement! Please. My knees are not of wood presenting blood, have them be cut. Feel the presence of this performance and understand that it is impossible to find a hiding place after this mess. Why can't the circular karmic expression apply in these equations... Why can't treated be how treatment feels back given? A choice has been taken away, I believe. I appreciate your light, Glow.