Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Ohm, Pt. 2.

Nothing I do now feels worth. The value of my previous post is an emotional sell-out. The need to write to express in order to obtain a clear and sound mind. To rid of emotions before the mind can be silenced. The mind has silenced. But the heart quivers for an unknown cause. I ask myself, "WHY?" But the answer is shortcoming. "You know." I wish to lay down in warmth, with sand (white), with arms, with smiles, in nude. The ecstasy of an idea, the reality through imagination. I take myself on a joy-ride in Fantasy Land. I close my eyes and start my own existence in my mind. I play God ("Forgive me if I had trespassed.") 


Birds tweeter, chirp, flirt.
Highway covered, in a blanket of agony and dirt.
The room sense its presence, in all its silence.
Wonder, why don't they know.
An answer before its point.

For long, far length, impossible distance;
A coincidence. Chanced.
In a trance, living in false impressions;
Routine, "... it ceases existence in control."

Truth, impact of the obvious.
Skill to see, see for a kill.
To live, a birth of Utopian pride.
To lie, a pride of Utopian's birth.

Believing in less speech,
Living by surviving,
Surviving by loving,
Loving by believing.
All in silence.
The key.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

To Speak Of,

... non pleasant feelings and situations are always easier than the good ones because usually they're the ones at the top of our minds, nagging and chewing that part of the brain (and heart) just to cause an ache. I shall try, to speak of certain good things, to experiment if it does bring a change to my current aura. So my housemate left for home for his three week annual leave and to waste no time, I cleaned my house to satisfactory levels (having high standards). Before leaving the house and forgetting completely the sense of this post till a week later, now.

Hence, I shall carry this post on with the help of a new pressing against my emotional body. I will run, jump, and fly to wherever and however far this desire shall carry me. I have enough passion for sacrificial requests to be asked. That's perhaps why I view the world differently, minority-ly. I have much to give and fear people might take me all away. I enjoy my shell. Hidden from the world, and how good it feels being so far away whereas the opening is probably just finger-wide. I cannot prevent interventions but I can dodge the fingers of men cunningly side-stepping their heads with fury and vengeance. A walking reflection of the moon, he saw straight in me and had capture my secrets, with fortune of luck on my behalf, he doesn't know its interpretations. With eyes grounded low in humility, I see right up intentions. I desire to be placed in comfort and protection with virginal motives. You handed me a bag of hope, love, and fucked-up passion tied in the creases of its opening. "Take it back!" I screamed. My words were unclear and you begged my pardon. Silence and allowance I answered, shaming in defeat of my lack of will. I must win this race. The finish line has the picture of you holding my bag; of purpose, and dramatic conclusions. Cheers to that!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

And A Continuum.

Immediately. My words are shorter now because my heart is too. Accept me, wickedly I shall follow. I shall pour entirely all blood, leaving no drops for life, for shattered, angered, and I shall despair. I threw a boomerang, after the throw, I tied my hands. In same, I caused my karma. Who, what must I expect. I leave it unfilled. Death. In the grounds of little children, I'm watched. YOU threw me into this game.

Sorrow, Shortened Joy.

An illusion it was. Bright, brilliant, blinked.
There can't be less, for more is reserved.
A shivered followed touch, a need.
A must. A follow of desire. Pursuit,