Sunday, June 22, 2014

Distasteful Teabag.

Just to pour some,

... how people change is amazing to watch, but if I continue staying in this state of awareness then it would be one of the best learning experiences for me.

I imagine taking the alpha role, dropping the queen title, and just blaze in passion for what seems to always last only a night. To pump my body up, squaring my jaw, shortening the length of my complexity but just be, straight and easy.

Hard conversations with people who are great in denial, but have the love for drama and trueness of self identity. It amazes me how much I am fond of them, because I see a little of myself in them. Perhaps, it could be a sense of belonging to the world, all the cultures I had absorbed in process of finding self.

Let me correct a wrong choice of word following popularity in usage; 'finding'. I believe in creation.

Stay, I say to myself, "Stay!"

Dive in deep, and swim down the darkest depths, and discover the newness of a reality none are comfortable with, in understanding.

Let there be love, then, too.