Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How She.

Feels when she grew with so little confidence in a world so full of itself. Loves without expecting anything in return. Works when most do no appreciate her kindness, and the advantages advanced upon her by the cunning. Is misunderstood with all her intentions of love. Took an absence from her mind to clear the debts of her heart. Frustrates when love blossoms around her empty heart.

As if a turn could be taken when the joyous pronounces their loves for each other. The power of suspicious behavior in the most awkward situations of misery and value of its' end. The end which all fighting speaks its' description repeatedly. The direction given by winds to nature thoughts of despair. Hand in hand, eye to eye, behind the mind of hairs ended in such agony of the greens of envious let-downs. Anywhere, she beckons, he affirms, they share their thoughts projection in musical melodies of carpet-ridden symphonies. The rhythm of mythical joy and strength none can compare. Through the woods they slide in surface of corruption, he hunts. How much I long, o` much I long. The heart only knows, the mind feels, or perhaps it could be the other way round. They is no rationality to it. The parquet stepped upon as floors but they're different aren't they. They witness what the floor doesn't, both sides, and so we must too. I hold on tight, another step, before I fling myself down in a whirl before the swoop that raises all worldly desires into the air, releasing to a momentum held back non-whatsoever by any inertia, before the biggest pools of hopes be achieved in an everlasting breath. I wish to be appreciated, I bet she feels the same.