Friday, August 2, 2013

Seating the Backseat.

I may be learning something new here. Allowing myself to understand how I'd deal with the situation should it not be me but someone else, some sort of a third person's point of view. I tried it myself, and it worked instantaneously.

Taking a step back, seating the backseat, allowing myself a clearer picture of the drivers. How the game is played, even if it isn't a game, how the romance is conducted. Time be the judge in all affairs, allowing space to collapse, to fully knowing and understanding someone before a commitment is made. How could it have been so hard, is this a lesson life has staged for me to go through? This certainly feels wrong somehow in my insides, as if the picture painted so beautifully before me, a massacre of sorts.

One who falls fast, falls hard just as quick. I've gone through enough to know that it would be wise falling slowly, breathing the fall, living it, committing to it, and should I touch ground, I'd still break, least I compensate in beauty of experience.

Breathe, another step back.

Observe yourself, not promising the impossible, not being over ambitious, not empathizing fully should I lose myself then. I trust that I understand me, what I seek, what my desires are. Honesty in all, I would never, or at the very least try not to shape a person into my vision, for acceptance is best, love is better though. Just what happens then, if my limits are reached, and everything else deems unacceptable. I fear to imagine, pray Time saves me the trouble when it comes.

One step back, breathe, live the moment (wisely, practically), see the almighty beauty of Love.