Thursday, December 22, 2011

Give A New Direction.

All in a day's worth. She is pathetic; by that I mean immature, and selfish. The greatness of blood ties, truly is thicker than any other liquid because it's brightness of red lived since we all began. Culture, also a racial issue, goes to show the living only live by a chord, plucked by initiates, nurtured by nature; to sum the foolishness of minds. The expansion of creativity when the ego is challenged, with pride at it's stake, it blooms exaggeratedly as fast as a bolt of lightning striking the earth. Products of selection when one defies social standards prevails class of higher standards. As like snails, the majority of specific high spenders, by Chinese origins, are a shame to humanity, though a comfort fact is they aren't the only. Purchase to show, show to splendor, splendor fails to project its magnificence because its abusers have tarnished a name so hard been built along a century. The quantity (a word harshly used to describe a mass without meaning), influences itself, neighbor to neighbor, shame to shame, all shared in a competition. They will not win this competition because having own nothing but the physical is a disgrace to life, thus their disqualification. The massive division, like amoebas, have caused a division in souls; a scrambled jigsaw, half of its puzzles flushed by time. I'm ashamed to be yellow. I bold by statement in protruding imaginary, that they aren't the only. I thought of a word thoroughly. It cannot be followed by any other words considering its meaning to be active ongoing with no ends so it shall be an end itself: Infinitely.