Thursday, November 25, 2010

Overturned Bowl.

This speaks of the little section you see on the right where I had described a little bit about me. I feel that my bowl is now being filled right up to it's brim. I'm losing security. I'm losing self. I'm retreating back to that really far away cave which I believe no one knows where at. There, I know I will be able to lose myself once more fully to what's left of my thoughts and to hibernate my emotions. I need to regain that control. Right now, I'm not wheeling this ride, but my desires are, be it flesh or soul. So this bowl now, I realized, is filled with the wrong (now I mean wrong) fillings. What do you do if you mistakenly had gotten yourself a bowl of salt water whereas you wanted apple juice? As for me, I'd flip the bowl over at the sink, and watch it be drained. I'm stooping a whole lot more than I usually do. I do not understand the concept of this conception and that irritates me. I'm not in control and that irritates me too! I pleasure the control I have upon my own life. Easy way maneuvering upon the less traveled road, the empty path. Little did I know, what appears empty isn't really, but an illusion of a journey's start. Fairy netted me again, the bad fairy. You would know la misère, you were there with me the last time. She lures first, curling her hair, it's always the hair she tempts me with first. When I close in upon her, she tosses a handful of earlier prepared poudre aveugles to my face. This is a cunning concoction with absolutely no chance of deflection. It blinds eyes. It impregnates passions in the body upon inhalation. It allows the fairy now, to stand back, and watch me as I twirl around in ecstasy with aching feet before I'd fall off the cliff, to countless bodies below. And so then both me and you would know, we were never alone in this whole affair. It takes two.