Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I think I could be on the brink of social warfare without even realizing my tracks getting here. I need to sleep this matter over and really think about it or I might be really doomed, and soon that is. Is it possible to support both sides of the battle? I used to think that it is indeed alright but now I am beginning to doubt that belief. It was as though I acted on a manner appeaser not caring the consequence. But, thinking back again, it wasn't my fault. Matters as such are rare and really unpredictable considering I knew not the proper facts. Far down the conversation did I then realize I was heading where I feel I am at now. I don't want to use this word, but fuck. Seriously. Right now the scene is just a peaceful meadow with sunshines, and butterflies and pretty pink flowers everywhere. There is a snake however at the far east side, and an eagle by the tree. If they are brought together, I fear my safety. Foolishly being the rabbit and befriending both the enemies, yet I regret not. My comfort has its limits. I believe it to be limitless but the vanity of others disallow me to exercise it to its extent. My my! I'm a soft cookie but with hard chocolate chips. I break but the broken pieces of me get stronger. I took this road, I shall travel this road. Outcome, whether horrifically bad or good, I'm still taking the experience with me. What don't break, will make. I'll double my concentration, tip toe carefully and pray for the best. I can either glide through, probably gluing fragments of others' unresolved matters or shatter and break my spine; which is all that I'm carefully not wanting to injure now: my name. However, truth be told, I thought meeting a complex being would be that of which that comes in a blue moon, but little did I know that they are all around. Why haven't I act sooner. Brilliant lives to explore. Hopefully in the midst of discovering, that which are broken, will be mended, and friendships reaffirmed. Wish me best, Ta!